I would like to raise a toast to everybody who got onboard with Burford Lit Fest, from my small but perfectly formed team who made my vision possible through hard work and long hours to our wonderful guest speakers and their publishing houses as well as the team at Warwick Hall and our generous hosts at www.greyhounds.co.uk
I also raise a glass to you, our willing audience. Thank you for your interest, thank you for buying tickets, as a not for profit every single ticket purchase makes a big difference to our ability to stay affordable, and thank you for being a wonderful part of each and every one of our events.
When I dreamed up Burford Lit Fest in the lock down days of January 2020 I wanted to create something that bought the community together, not only those who live in and around Burford but also those who love to visit our beautiful town. I wanted to do it in a way that was financially accessible, and above all I wanted each of our events to feel intimate, to feel like a conversation around a dinner table, for each member of our audience to feel they had space and time with our guest speakers.
I think we are on our way to realising these goals.
As a fledgling festival I know we are not perfect but every day is a school day and we are learning as we go. Our intention is not to grow larger just to do what we do but do it better.
We are still in the process of wrapping up Lit Fest 22 but Lit Fest 23 is on my mind so please stay in touch, watch this space and share all the good stuff with your friends and family.
Thank you again!
Kim and the team x
Dear Kim & the Team,
Thank you for so much hard work! From my experience of the events I attended, I would say you were spot-on in achieving your goals of financially-accessible, intimate times with the authors. I was impressed with the huge range of appeal, and the engaging way the authors pitched their conversations to suit both novices and those with more knowledge of their subject. My young daughter also loved the talks you arranged with the primary school and came home the proud owner of signed copies of two new books.
Here's to 2023 - I'll be looking forward to it!